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In memory of
Soeur Reine Driscoll R.S.R
November 05, 1941 – May 15, 2024 - 82 years old
À la Maison Mère des Sœurs de Notre-Dame du St-Rosaire de Rimouski, le mercredi 15 mai 2024, à l’âge de 82 ans, est décédée sœur Reine Driscoll (en religion Marie de Fatima) après 64 ans de vie religieuse. Elle était la fille de feu M. Wallace Driscoll et de feu dame Alice Maurice de la paroisse de Saint-Augustin. La direction des funérailles est confiée au Centre funéraire Bissonnette.

Sœur Reine Driscoll sera exposée au salon de la Maison Mère le samedi 25 mai 2024 à 13 h, et le service religieux sera célébré en la chapelle de la communauté au 300, Allée du Rosaire à 14 h. L’inhumation se fera aux Jardins Commémoratifs St-Germain de Rimouski le même jour.

Elle laisse dans le deuil, outre les membres de sa famille religieuse, ses sœurs Christina (Lawrence Gallibois), Édith (Médric O’ Brien), Véronique (Yvan Organ), son frère David (Géraldine Maurice). Elle était aussi la sœur de feu Roland, feu Evelyne (Ovila Beaudoin), feu Grace, feu Pearl (feu Maxwell Shattler), feu Gérald (feu Aline Lavallée), feu Thérèsa (feu Johnny Lavallée), feu Myrial, ainsi que de nombreux neveux et nièces.

Reconnaissance à toutes et à tous pour vos témoignages de sympathie.

La Congrégation des SS. De N.-D. du St-Rosaire

La direction des funérailles a été confiée au Centre funéraire Bissonnette, une filiale des Centres funéraires de l’Est.

La direction et le personnel de HG Division offrent leurs plus sincères condoléances à la famille et la remercient pour sa confiance.
Message from Michel Gingras May 21, 2024

C'est avec regret que j'apprend le décès non-prévu de Soeur Reine Driscoll.
Je l'ai connue dans les années 2013-2018, alors que j'allais servir la communauté chrétienne de Saint-Augustin, pendant la Semaine Sainte, et à Noel.
Elle m'a raconté sa vie de dévouement aux jeunes.
Elle avait vraiment le charisme de votre Fondatrice, la Bienheureuse Élizabeth Turgeon. Si tous ceux et celles qu'elle a aimés, venaient lui rendre un dernier hommage, votre belle et grande chapelle de Rimouski ne pourrait les contenir!
Je suis certain que Soeur Reine a été reçue chaleureusement dans le coeur du Seigneur qu'elle a servi pendant toute sa vie.
Michel Gingras, M.Afr

Message from Mike & Ruby Bouzanne May 20, 2024

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Remember her well. May she Rest In Peace .

Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Barbara Delaney May 19, 2024

So sorry to hear of Sister Reine’s passing. She was such a lovely person and was such an influence on so many people in Wabush,whether it was at JRSC school or at our church,Our Lady of the Assumption. She will be missed.

Message from Tina Heeney May 17, 2024

She was such a beautiful person. So caring and kind. Condolences to her family. ❤️🌺

Message from Caroline Dobbin May 17, 2024

She was a great friend to my children and myself while she taught in Wabush. Condolences to all her family.

Message from Kelly McCarthy May 17, 2024

Sister Reine’s memory will hold dear in my heart forever. The opportunities she gave me as a leader in our church and Diocease gave this small town girl big girl confidence which has taken me into my professional career as an Elementary school teacher and now the Arts Consultant with the Catholic School board in Ottawa. I will never forget her patience and creativity to make the arts come alive in our parish. Rest in peace, God bless!

Message from Denise Cranford May 17, 2024

So sorry to hear of Sr. Reines passing. I worked with her for 6 years at J R Smallwood collegiate in Wabush. She gave me my start, and is the reason I love teaching. She took me under her wing, and gave me the love of God once more. What a loss to so many. You will always be in my heart and for never missed!

Message from Sandra Burke (Power) May 17, 2024

So very saddened at your passing. You were a wonderful influence to a young girl and a great support. Your dedication to us all both as our religion teacher and our youth group leader was truly amazing and I will carry that with me always. Rest in peace. Heaven surely gained another angel. Xo

Message from Betty Beresford May 17, 2024

So sad to hear of Sister Reine’s passing.She was a loved member of our Wabush church parish and teacher at JRS school for years.Sincere Condolences to all her family and friends.RIP Sister Reine.
Betty & Pat Beresford

Message from Sylvia& Martin Whalen May 17, 2024

Our deepest condolences on the passing of Sister Rene . Met her when our girls were involved with serving on the Altar at church in wabush . She was a very nice lady. Always with a smile and a chat when we met. Rest in peace 🙏

Message from Bishop Douglas Crosby May 17, 2024

Sr. Reine was loved the Lord, loved the Church. Loved the Sisters of the Holy Rosary, and loved the Lower North Shore and St. Augustine. She gave her life to show that love. I am grateful to have known her and to have experienced her pastoral energy. Many of us are better ministers because of her vibrant example. Thank you Sr. Reine for a life generously lived! May you receive the reward of a good and faithful servant!

Message from Elaine Traverse May 17, 2024

My deepest condolences to all the family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. May her soul Rest In Peace.

Message from June Galliois May 17, 2024

My Sincere Condolences to all of Sr.Reine’s Family ! May she RIP …

Message from Helena Rehel Gaul May 16, 2024

God has welcomed this sweet caring soul into his garden. She taught me in elementary school and she was so thoughtful and kind. She was loved by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.

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